Inducted in 2006
Bob began his 36-year forestry career with the Department of Lands and Forests in 1946 as a district forester. From there he joined Hollingsworth and Whitney, later a subsidiary of Scott Paper Company. In 1959, Bob and his family moved to Truro to assume management of Scott’s woodland operations. In 1966, Bob became responsible for establishing a woodlands office and securing a wood supply for the mill. He was appointed Woodlands Manager with Scott Maritimes in 1967, a position he held until his retirement in 1981. In 1971, Bob was elected President of the Nova Scotia Forest Products Association. In 1978, he partnered with Hugh Erskine to establish Mactara Ltd. Bob was widely known as a capable and knowledgeable manager who dealt effectively with the challenges that arose during the 1960's and 1970's, a period of rapid growth in the forest sector. BSc (Forestry), UNB, 1941.