Inducted in 2015
Fred Wellings graduated from the University of New Brunswick, and quickly became synonymous with forest inventory in Nova Scotia. As Manager and then Director of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Forest Inventory section, Fred oversaw the design and implementation of the province’s forest inventory program. Nova Scotia has some of the oldest continuously inventoried forest plots in Canada due to the early establishment of the Permanent Sample Plot (PSP) system. Over the years the program was revised to incorporate the newest technology and science for estimating the forest resource. As technology advanced, Fred directed the Department into the world of Geographic Information Systems and digital aerial photography. Fred also guided the Department through Metric conversion and the introduction of the Scaler’s Act, NS Timber Loan Board and the NS Registry of Buyers. With attention to clear, science-based goals, a contagious enthusiasm for work, and a wonderful sense of humour, Fred tended to defer any recognition to the loyalty and long service of the many technicians, foresters, photo interpreters, cartographers and camp cooks who contributed to the successful inventory of Nova Scotia’s woodlands.