Section 29 of the Memorandum of Association (1998)
29.1 No Code of Ethics can prescribe appropriate conduct under all circumstances. Its purpose is to provide a general guide of ethical conduct principals to allow members to carry out their duties to the environment, Association members, the profession and the public. Members are bound by the law, acts, and regulations of the Province of Nova Scotia and the rules and articles of the Nova Scotia Forest Technicians Association.
29.2 This code shall be interpreted by following guidelines.
(a) the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you")
(b) honorable judgment errors are not unethical and must be evaluated in that context rather than by strict adherence to the written Code of Ethics.
29.3 As a further guide, members are encouraged to ask themselves four critical questions when faced with ethical decisions:
(a) is the potential action legal in the criminal or civil sense?
(a) is the actions within the guidelines of the NSFTA Code of Ethics?
(c) is the action balanced or will it heavily favour one party over another?
(d) am I comfortable with the action and willing to have it known by all?
29.4 Code of Ethics Articles
(a) a member shall protect and promote safety, social, economic and environmental interests.
(b) a member shall only undertake work that he/she is competent by virtue of training and experience.
(c) a member shall maintain their technical competence through participation in Continuing Forestry Education (CFE).
(d) a member shall recommend that other specialists be consulted on problems beyond his/her competence and shall cooperate with such specialists to the extent necessary.
(e) a member shall regard the business of their employer as confidential unless released from this obligation.
(f) a member working simultaneously for clients whose interests in the work might be conflicting, shall notify all parties concerned.
(g) a member shall be fair and honest in dealing with employer, client, subordinates, peers and members of the public.
(h) a member shall be responsible to their employer or client and in working relationships shall place their interests above everything except when those interests conflict with acceptable forestry practices.
(i) a member, as a forest technician/technologist, shall not give opinions other than those based upon knowledge and experience.
(j) a member shall not engage in any activity likely to result in an unfavorable reflection of the profession. This shall apply to conduct as a member of the profession and not as a citizen at large.
(k) a member who in engages in public discussion or controversy on forestry topics shall do so with dignity and honesty befitting his/her profession.
(l) a member shall not condone untrue or misleading opinions concerning forestry.
(m) a member shall not claim credit for facts or opinions, which are not his/her own.
(n) a member shall not distort or withhold information for the purpose of supporting his/her opinions.
(o) a member shall not make unsolicited or untrue comments to anyone about forest technicians/technologists' work or methods but shall disclose evidence of unethical actions to the Disciplinary Committee of this Association.